The Remarkables ski field in Queenstown recently hosted Snow Sports NZ annual event: Snow Sports NZ Adaptive Festival weekend. This year, the event saw the participation of 55 individuals, including those with physical, cognitive and vision-impaired participants, who came together to celebrate their love for skiing and snowboarding.
3 skiers going up the magic carpet, 2 wearing visually impaired orange high vis and one pink high vis ‘Blind Skier’
Among the participants was Thomas Coysh, a board member of Blind Sport. Thomas shared his thoughts on the festival, highlighting the sense of community it fosters. "I like the social aspect and community it brings," he said. "You have so many people from all over the country, all disabilities and walks of life coming together to celebrate together."
One of Thomas's most memorable moments was during his final race run. "I'd say it was finally on my last run going through the race gates, and finally getting a clean run after a few spills beforehand!" he recalled, illustrating the perseverance and joy that partly define the event.
Group pictures of the 55 participants and volunteers outside in the snow
For anyone considering joining the festival, Thomas had enthusiastic advice. "The festival is fantastic for any skiers and snowboarders of any ability, as you have free lessons with qualified adaptive instructors, and volunteers who have been trained to go out on the slopes with you. So, you have a lot of support, a great vibe, and it’s great for anyone of any level, whether they are getting into racing, or have never seen snow before."
Thomas also shared why he loves skiing, emphasizing the unique freedom it provides. "It's one of the sports where I feel ultimate freedom. It's not like running where you might have a tether, or a bike where you are stuck with someone. It's just you and your individual input and independence. There aren't many sports that give you that feeling of movement, I'm into sensations, and outside of riding a dirt bike, there isn't much that compares to skiing. It's a unique feeling and tactile where you can feel the snow under your feet and know the direction you're going in down the slope. Headsets are provided where the guide skier is able to give immediate directional instruction which makes it as safe as possible. I would highly recommend it."
Renzo young blind skier, holding onto a pole with guide skier
Snow Sports NZ Adaptive Festival held at the Remarkables is more than just a sporting event; it’s a celebration of inclusivity, perseverance, and the joy of winter sports.
Interested in finding out more, and where to start? Check out the website here:
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