3 Board Vacancies

Blind Sport New Zealand is seeking 3 board members to be elected at their AGM in late November. Blind Sport New Zealand (BSNZ) is the national disability sport organisation for blind and low vision sport. Our vision is to enrich and empower the lives of blind and low vision New Zealanders through sport.

BSNZ currently has two full time staff member and one part time staff member (all based in Auckland). The Board currently consists of six individuals and the three current vacancies have arisen due to rotation.

The BSNZ Board board governance responsibilities include:

● Ensuring BSNZ complies with all legal and constitutional requirements

● Setting strategic direction and priorities

● Setting high-level policies and management performance expectation

● Monitoring and evaluating organisational performance

● Overseeing the management of risk.

The focus for the board for 2022 includes the continued implementation of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, transitioning the organisation to align with a new constitution, and the continuous improvement of the organisation’s financial sustainability.

This role would appeal to individuals who want to support the development of blind and low vision sport in New Zealand. While no previous experience in the blind and low vision sport community is necessary, this experience will be beneficial.

A successful board member will have the following:

● Critical thinking

● Ability to constructively challenge and contribute to robust boardroom conversations

● Common sense

● Alignment with the organisation's values

A background in finance, marketing/communications and/or fundraising/sponsorship would also be of value to the board.

The role is open to individuals living throughout New Zealand.

Time required

Six board meetings are held every 2 months annually for around 1-2 hours in person or online. Other time commitments may include AGM, sub-committee meetings, email dialogue between meetings and BSNZ events.


The role is unpaid but expenses, including travel, will be reimbursed.


If you are interested please email admin@blindsport.kiwi with your cover letter and governance CV. Board members will be asked to complete an ‘interest register’ to help minimise any potential conflicts of interest.


Deadline for this role is the 9th of November 2022 at 5pm
