For the past 115days , without fail, Blind Sport NZ General Manager, Helen has been clocking up a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Some days she has smashed the daily step goal and other days it has been a stretch. As this newsletter is circulated, Helen keeps adding additional days to the tally!
Helen started with a goal of 100 consecutive days doing 10,000 steps each day to improve her fitness. The maths on that is at least 1,000,000 steps. She didn’t tell anyone about her goal at first while she got her own head around it and settled into a routine pounding the pavement. As the days passed and she experienced the inherent physical and mental benefit of moving she shared it with others. These are the people she refers to now as her ‘Cheerleaders’. She is extremely grateful to have had them ‘every step of the way’ so to speak.
Helen wanted to share her achievement to inspire others who might be thinking of setting a sport goal and may be looking for that gentle nudge to do it. For Helen, it started with the first step…and helped to have good footwear, a device to track the steps, some courage and determination. In her mind from time to time was a quote about setting goals…” Set high goals, even if they sound crazy – at least if you don’t reach them, you will still have achieved something great”.