
Person swinging back golf club to hit golf ball

Blind golf is played to the ‘Rules of Golf’ produced by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and United States Golf Association. They have published “A Modification of the Rules of Golf for Golfers with Disabilities”. This allows blind or low vision golfers to ground their club in a hazard and their coach/guide to stand on the line of the shot without penalty while the shot is played. Each player has a sighted coach/guide who describes the hole, helps with club selection and then ensures that the club head is directly behind the ball. From then on, it’s down to the blind golfers’ swing.

Competitions can be played off scratch within each sight category or off handicap across all sight categories (see ‘classification’ page for more information'). The International Blind Golf Association has developed a handicap scheme that is operated by all member associations and is used for international competition.

Interested in GOLF? Contact Blind Sport New Zealand today.